Home / Industry insights / Do’s and Don’ts for CV Headings

13th Sep 2022

Do’s and Don’ts for CV Headings

Improve your first impressions

Picture of Andrew Murdoch

Andrew Murdoch

Managing Director

CV Headings
Do’s and Don’ts

Improve your first impressions

Your CV heading is a crucial component of your CV. Like meeting someone for the first time and shaking their hand, judgments and assumptions are quickly made and can be difficult to change.

The way you structure your Heading in your CV conveys information about your writing style, your priorities, how you structure your thoughts, your ability to format a document and how well you can communicate …

Here are some suggested tips to make sure you make the most of your opening lines!


    1.  Make your name large and centred on the document. Use colour and a simple font
    2. Use the name you are called by so if you are known as “Matt” not “Matthew” use the former
    3. Use your personal mobile number and e-mail address number not a land line or a work mobile or e-mail
    4. Include your LinkedIn address as a hyperlink – this is now expected
    5. Place the heading in the Header of the document (not the body) and only use it on the first page
    6. For your address simply include the city that you live in, or are moving to
    7. Use icons – for phone number, email etc – people look for these symbols
    8. Convert the document to PDF before sending, otherwise the Header will appear faded


    1. No need for “CURRICULUM VITAE” – selfevident
    2. Unless applying for a job overseas remove the international dialing code from your phone number
    3. Don’t use your middle name unless you are known by it, or it distinguishes you from someone else
    4. Don’t use CAPS – it’s feels like you’re shouting
    5. Don’t include your post nominals, unless they are relevant or will set you apart from others
    6. Do not include your date of birth or marital status. The audience may have un/conscious bias regarding these elements and are best left off
    7. Do not include photo. People will form un/conscious bias positive and negative
    8. Do not put the suburb, as some people have strong opinions about where people live

Get in touch for more CV and career advice!
