Home / Industry insights / In-House Legal Job Market Update Dec 2022 – 2 mins Video

In-House Legal Job Market Update Dec 2022 – 2 mins Video

Picture of Andrew Murdoch

Andrew Murdoch

Managing Director

Hi and welcome to the in-house job market update.

Like any market, the in-house legal job market is subject to the pressures of supply and demand. We’re seeing reduced supply from overseas lawyers coming to Australia. They have concerns about borders closing again. And also there’s a high demand for them internally within the UK, the US and Canada. Additionally, the stream of lawyers that has typically moved from private practice to in-house has really become a trickle.

I attribute this to two factors. Law firms have given significant pay rises over the past 12 months. And additionally, lawyers that may have fled a toxic work environment within a firm are now working from home and so have little contact with what may have been a toxic environment. So there’s not the pressure to leave, leave the firm that there once was.

In terms of the demand, we’re seeing strong demand across all sectors and all geographic regions, particularly recently in construction and FMCG. Contrary to what people assume, the demand in December is particularly high as organisations look to recruit prior to the end of the year so that the people can serve out their notice period over the Christmas break, have some time off and come in fresh and recharged, ready for the new year.

If we don’t get an opportunity to speak beforehand, I hope you have a relaxing Christmas break and thanks for a wonderful 2022 from the team at Dovetail.

Thank you.
