Home / Industry insights / CV Formatting Tips: Do’s and Don’ts for Lawyers

13th Jun 2023

CV Formatting Tips: Do’s and Don’ts for Lawyers

Your CV is your first and, therefore most powerful introduction to potential employers or clients.

Picture of Andrew Murdoch

Andrew Murdoch

Managing Director

CV Formatting Tips
An excellent CV can make all the difference to your job prospects. However, CV formats change over time, and drafting something “so personally close” and with so many details to include, can be challenging.

CV Formatting Do’s:

  • Make Your Name Stand Out: Use large and centred formatting for your name to draw attention – it’s the most important detail you would like them to remember.
  • Keep It Simple and Clear: Use white space, bullet points & headings to make it easy to read.
  • Highlight Key Information: Use bold formatting and colour to emphasise your relevant skills and experiences.
  • Convert to PDF: Ensure your CV maintains its formatting.
  • Use Hyperlinks – CVs are read on screens and can be interactive, include a hyperlink to your LinkedIn profile and companies you have worked for.
  • Use Symbols: Make your contact info visually appealing and easy to find using symbols and icons.

CV Formatting Don’ts:

  • Don’t use a generic CV: tailor it to the specific audience and job you’re applying for.
  • Don’t make your CV lengthy and crowded: Instead, keep it concise & avoid unnecessary info.
  • Don’t have distracting formatting: Avoid different fonts, more than two colours & images. Keep it minimal.
  • Don’t exaggerate: Be honest and truthful about your skills & experiences – after all, you’ll have to expand on these at the interview.
  • Don’t use slang or jargon: Avoid language that may be unprofessional or unfamiliar to the reader.
  • Don’t forget to proofread: Always check for errors and typos.

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