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29th Mar 2023

7 Resignation Tips for In-House Lawyers

Resigning from your position can be a difficult decision, but it's important to do it professionally and respectfully. From timing your resignation to ensuring a smooth transition for your successor, these 7 tips will help make your departure seamless.


1. Give proper notice

Give your employer as much notice as possible. Your contract with your employer will have the decided notice period in it It’s important you honour this notice period to give your employer ample time to find or train your replacement.

2. Make it official – resignation letters are crucial:

Writing a letter of resignation to your employer is essential as it acts as a legal document that ensures your resignation is taken seriously.

      • State your intention to resign

      • Outline key dates – including the start and finish of your notice period

      • Express your willingness to assist in the handover of your work

      • Show appreciation for the positive experiences you’ve had

      • Sign off appropriately

3. Tell your manager or superior in person

Meeting in person with your manager is the best option when resigning because it shows that you take your organisation, manager and role seriously. In-person communication shows professionalism and good character.

4. Offer to help with the transition

Offer to help train a replacement or assist with the handover of your responsibilities.

5. Avoid burning bridges

Avoid negative comments about the company, colleagues or your experiences to part on positive terms.

6. Negotiate a positive reference

Try to negotiate a positive reference from your employer to help you in future job searches.

7. Keep in touch

Consider staying in touch with your colleagues and former employer through LinkedIn or by saving their contact details. You never know when these relationships may come in handy in the future.

Preparing for your resignation can help you depart smoothly and on good terms. Whether you are considering resigning or have just handed in your resignation, get in touch with our team at Dovetail so we can provide you with more resignation guidance and career advice.

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